Friday, August 9, 2013

MovieNews: No Paranormal Activity This Halloween?

It's confirmed,the famous Paranormal Activity movies won't scare us this Halloween,but instead next year...twice!

That's right,not one but two Paranormal Activity movies will be released next year.Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones is set to open in theaters January 3,2014 while the real sequel,Paranormal Activity 5 will continue its' Halloween treating October 2014.So,whatd'ya think about that? Two Paranormal Activities in one year? Sounds big.But question is,will the two movies be good horror sequels/spin-offs? That question will be answered next year...

So far,no details regarding both the film's plot have been revealed,but expect in a few months' time...

Once again,Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones is marked to open in theaters Jan.3,2014 while Paranormal Activity 5 scares us once again October 2014...

*Paranormal Activity 2-4 are available on DVD & Blu-Ray distributed by 
Magnavision Home Video.While Paranormal Activity is available also on DVD distributed by Viva Video Inc. That's all for today folks! Stay tuned for my next MovieNews update here on TheMovieGeek.Thanks for reading.

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